Friday, October 10, 2008

The Rainy gray days are forboding sometimes,

But the meditations of these days often prove more profitable than the sunny days. Sunny days are far more prevalent here in NC than rainy days. The darkness and the rain make a person forget that there is a sky that is blue and beautiful above those clouds; unless one is a pilot and can fly above the clouds for solace.
My sky is gray and overcase and my heart is recalling that I have "far to go before I sleep". "Go, Labor on, Spend and be spent", a hymn for the Motherhood! Your body and your soul traveling in sundry directions with each child. Your emotions on an ever wandering rollercoaster of expectations of your children's ideas and inspirations. Can I act like a mommy today? Yep.
God's grace and God's strength is unlimited, mine is not. With patience spent to a frazzle and it is too early to be spent already. God comes and helps everyday with the labor. No body tells you that the labor of delivery is just the beginning of birthing of the mother who you will become. You travail to see yourself stop being so selfish, every day. Do I want to give of myself today? Do I want to share myself with these people today?
God knows and God shares Himself consistently and graciously everyday! Just look at the sky, gray or blue.

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