Saturday, November 14, 2015

I miss my Grandma Today!

She took this picture. I remember it as if it were yesterday. I was a new big sister and we were off to the park. We stopped to show off baby Abby at Grandma's house. She said wait, I must take a picture! Why? was our thought, if we wait the courts will be full. Time is at the essence when you are a tennis family. Wait, she implored! I really remember thinking what a waste of time picture taking is. She sent them to where she wanted the photo taken and she and I scurried around inside looking for a flash for her "INstamatic" Camera. I said what do you need a flash for outside, Gram? It is a shady spot and the flash will make sure we get everybody clearly in the photo. I love you, Grandma, for thinking of everything. The courts were not on your mind at all. My precious baby brother's wondrous arrival was the most amazing thing and we have this significant picture to show off my pride at his birth. I miss him and I miss her, too.

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