Friday, April 20, 2007

April sunshine!!!

Halleluia! The Sun is risen in my soul as well as outside. I am meeting new people and doing different things and even though we are poor, I think we will be able to make it. There really is no one who understands this season and this stuff we have to go through. I am looking at the grass and we are going to cut it and get the lawn together.
All of my seedlings are ready for transplant and I must collect the tools to do that. NEXT...
North Carolina is friendly to people and plants!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Though, April Showers...

may come your way, They bring the flowers that bloom in May! It is raining, I know that it is good for my fledgling plants. At least the ones that survived the frost. There is always a little bit of difficulty to overcome, I hear in having a harvest. It truly is up to God to prosper and keep the seedlings and yet there is work also.
I am learning the right work at the right time is so very important. We have brought some of the plants indoors. All of them inside would have been too messy. So, they had to endure. My beautiful tree began to bloom, thinking that it was spring only to be frozen to smithereens and I have no idea what will become of her she looks so wilted and I hope that she survives the season. How will I ever get experience if I kill all of my plants even the ones that were here when we got here.
The showers of today are exemplary of my spirit. I am sullen and sick today. I am far from home, learning new skills at work, at home and in my garden. I am looking in my soul like my tree.
Bringing forth fruit in season is my hope and this season of difficulty and loneliness, should bloom into usefulness and fruitfulness in my life, I hope!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Some sprigs of hope!


I have sprigs of green in my seedlings. I will perservere and pictures will follow! It is awesome to believe that in a few short months these seedlings will be bearing fruit I am excited and Ezra is ecstatic!!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

beautiful dreamers?

The sunshine and hoping for tomorrow's rain should do my plants well! Where am I in this gardening journey? Where are my seedlings? Will they ever show their greeny tops? Will I ever taste a bite from my own tomatoes or my eggplants? I am very impatient in this season of life!
Ezra's forgotten about it!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Rain, in a time of rain?

Rain, rain, where are you? They keep telling us you are coming and my garden is in need.
Someone tipped over my seedlings and I don't know if they will survive this dryness I must install a child proof, dogproof seedling holder and irrigation system to remind myself to take part in this chore. I am a woman under authority and I tell people ( my children) to go and come and they go and come and I must be more in authority over myself in this else my eighty days will be in vain!

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Day three I have the time to document my plants

This week I planted pumpkins 3 (very supposedly prizewinning seeds)
Eggplant, Okra, Tomatoes, carrots and cucumbers, as well as 3 daffodills.
These are the firstfruit. Next week I will begin on the next phase and ultimately, I hope to progress to olives. In the meantime, my Ezra and I are watching the growth while we organize this house. Today is laundry day!

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

monotonous anticipation

planning and thinking is a part of growing. Here on day two watering and waiting is what I will tell my Ezra, should he ask me "where are the plants?"

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

A seed in the ground?

Today I begin the wonderful world of gardening. I am using this to hold myself accountablein growning of these seeds into fruition. It is a beautiful, sunny day and Ezra, my three year old and I are working together to see these plants grow and to enjoy the adventure.
In my 2 and a half dozen crate of eggs I planted okra and tomatoes and eggplant. The packages said 75 to 80 days until harvesting. (Thus the blog title) I am as anxious as Ezra to see them grow. Lets see what happens!