Thursday, September 9, 2010

I do fall so short of my mentor for gardening-- Rabbit, from the 100 Acre Woods.

Although he is a figment of AA Milne's imagination he is always calculating and always growing something. I keep getting distracted by the calculations of things when it comes to gardening. I have so much else to distract me. The other day I was admiring the handiwork of God in the persperation glands. The coiling and imaginitive way that those glands sit under the surface of the skin and do what they are intended to do. Were they always intended to look so confusing?

Sweat, persperation was a result of the fall. The sweat glands seem to look like that, {a confused afterthought of the fall}. As I was walking through Lowes, some brown eyed susans looked exactly like the sweat glands to me. They were coiling. I said I must have them. They are just what the sweatglands look like under the skin. I must see why they came up that way. The expensive flowers were straight and nice, these were in the bargain bin because they were, coiled up. I didn't get to put them into the ground until today and they were nearly dead, once I got them into the ground.
My hypothesis is that our bodies were cooler, before the fall and heated up as a result of the eating of the forbidden fruit. There was something about those brown eyed susans that made me look again at my pictures of the sweat glands. I plant flowers and God planted sweat glands. That is my small contribution to beating my swords to PLOWSHEARS.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Ginger and Snap, both have baby pears.

I do love my pear trees. I love the little fruit that they are both touting with pride today. The birdies love them too. This morning was about getting the weeds out of the front yard and cooking for the using of stuff that was going bad. I found 2 maple trees trying to bogard my red fern. I will not have it! I pulled them out and will pot them, until I find the right place for them. I really don't get over to spend time with my lamb's ears, like I wanted to this season. This evening will be time for the lamb's ears and Diva and Prima, who are crying for want of attention. For now it is time to clean the inside of the house in the heat of the day. Thank God for Central Air!