Thursday, November 26, 2015

Working woman, where'd did you put my...

fill in the blank. The bustling house that we are in makes bumping into each other inevitable. I bump into you much less, with our conflicting schedules and your 2 new jobs.

I took your bulb out of your light in the morning and I wanted you to have a fit about it, so that I could see you for a minute. I knew you would wake me, if I was sleeping, or call me from anywhere, if you found out that I took your...Love you for your attention to detail. I appreciate how you always remember the little things that we need and that we do to and for you. I love that you put little lines in the drawings of our lives that make us who we are and what we are as a Walker Family. You are a very special woman in my life and I am very grateful for you! Love, Mommy

I am remembering Ruth this morning. I am angry that her pot is in the fridge, dirty. It wouldn't be, if you weren't working. You make a fuss about things like that. I usually don't and I realize that it is probably why you do. She was an annoying person in my life and I think about her everyday, because of her annoyance. Don't be that kind of memory to the people in your life. You are a wonderful woman and I think of you fondly. Happy Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 14, 2015

I miss my Grandma Today!

She took this picture. I remember it as if it were yesterday. I was a new big sister and we were off to the park. We stopped to show off baby Abby at Grandma's house. She said wait, I must take a picture! Why? was our thought, if we wait the courts will be full. Time is at the essence when you are a tennis family. Wait, she implored! I really remember thinking what a waste of time picture taking is. She sent them to where she wanted the photo taken and she and I scurried around inside looking for a flash for her "INstamatic" Camera. I said what do you need a flash for outside, Gram? It is a shady spot and the flash will make sure we get everybody clearly in the photo. I love you, Grandma, for thinking of everything. The courts were not on your mind at all. My precious baby brother's wondrous arrival was the most amazing thing and we have this significant picture to show off my pride at his birth. I miss him and I miss her, too.