Thursday, April 22, 2010

Prima Ballerina and the Diva!

Oh dear! I am in love again. I met these two trees, in the farm and they were personalities that I couldn't get away from. They were gifts and obviously, very loved. We walked through the farm and I wished hard looking at Prima and looking at Diva. I couldn't hope to have her. One of them was above my budget. I had just gone window shopping. My friend had blessed me! What a blessing!
Prima was a beautiful ballerina pose. I was told, she will straighten out, with a stake or two taken to her. NOooo! I would never stake her. That is her personality! She was a gift. As her pirouette, so is she. She is not crooked, she is a dancer. She is in a spin and she is beautiful.
We took them in the truck and the personality of Diva came alive as well. She was obviously, a Diva. How could you? She sighed, when we unwrapped her from the plastic. I thought that she was, just a weeping cherry tree. She was whining about her treatment. Her leaves, which were perfect, at the farm had been wind whipped and crinkled from the ride. I could hear Madeline Kahn's voice from her, when I look at her, in young Frankenstein. "Don't touch me." "I, simply do not know, if I will ever recuperate from that long ride in the back of a truck. They never treated me like that, at the farm." My leaves, my beautiful leaves..." I was weeping with her, by the time we got her into the ground. You will be all right, Maybe, she said.
Prima reminds me of Patti Labelle, she dances and is singing about a new attitude. She was, a little less delicate. She enjoys being in the spotlight most of the day, now. She is talking to the little flowers beneath her and telling them what to do. I love seeing them get acclimated to my yard. I could kiss them, they are so full of personality. "She's feeling good from her leaves to her roots, knows where she's planted and she knows she's a beaut-She's got a new attitude." (I know they are trees.)

What a great day.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Rules of Tennis, applicable to my children.

1. Walk onto the court and don't run on, "willy, nilly!"
2. Close the gate behind you!
3. Do not make loud noises on, or near the courts.
4. Do not walk past someone else's court, if the ball is in play...
5. Never touch the net!!!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Parenting, the toss! again!

The wind was contrary, as I practiced my serve this morning. My twist was, at least 2-3 inches out, on account of the wind. I was working on the calculations and the precise combination to get it in and I was thinking how much my children are just like that tennis ball. The winds are always contrary and the spins are missing the line on every point, more often than not. They have their own specific spin. I know that I didn't put the spin on them. God, or their father did that. I just have to adjust and move the ball in the direction of the court. My contribution seems to be the contact and the direction to the children. Volleys, serves, occasionally, one of them comes along that is a floater and you get to hit it right to get a winner. Most of the time they are just ralleys. The fun is in the interaction and how many times you get to hit them over the net. When they change courts and you are no longer in their sphere of influence, though you may love them. The match is over. It may be a short match or a long match. You have just a few minutes on earth to make an influence on them.
Sometimes the lighter you hit them the more they float, as I have seen in my inlaws case. The eldest child they always seem to hit so hard they pop the ball into smitherenes. If I could do it again. I would treat the eldest like the youngest and the youngest like the eldest. No attention is better than too much.

...lest they become discouraged