Saturday, August 29, 2009

When I was a little girl, I used to think that the Senators...

were the President's brothers. Because of the Kennedy brothers, I remember a debate that Julia and I had about that at 4 and 3. What is a Senator? A Senator is a President's brother! I demanded that that had to be the case. We were little people and we were involved in Politics wholeheartedly because of the Kennedy Brothers. It was a part of our childhood and it was a part of our teen years and it was a part of our grown life. Sympathizing and praying for the Kennedy family, because of the service and influence that they had on our country as the first Catholic First Family. We were inspired to dream. We were inspired to try. We were inspired to debate and cry and grow with them. Whether we agreed or disagreed, we still kept a sensitive place in our heart for their large and effective family and truly respected the service and the part that they played in the history of our nation.
Our deepest condolences to the Kennedy Family. God grant comfort and peace and help in this grieving time.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

God is awesome in His weaving our factions into His will(denominations?)

The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord, Like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes.
· 2.
· Every way of a man is right in his own eyes, But the Lord weighs the hearts.
It seems that God is always giving us instructions in the mental level where we are. When we are young and impetuous, He shows Himself there and directive to our emotional need for direction. But a faith that is built on that part of your brain will have little stability. “Add to your faith” means buttress your relationship with God with doctrinal knowledge and obedience to His commands. If your passion cannot abide these disciplines, you are subject to the stumblings where those disciplines have not been practiced.
Lord, I believe help my unbelief.
He works in us both to will and to work of His good pleasure.
Some Christian groups infiltrate the mental aspect of faith by instructing the mental and conscience awareness of God early. ie. Proverbs 119
All of the disciplines are needed to prevent deceptions. Instruction and Inspiration to a deeper love commitment to God are needed in the teen years to help to assuage the tendencies to wander. The more generations that we have had light the more we will be responsible for taking the Gospel on the offensive. And the more light that we have personally available to us the more that we will be led, into proximity to principalities and powers to do battle against the principalities and powers.
I think that we do ourselves an injustice by becoming so individualistic about our efforts against the enemy of our souls. God’s promises for being more than a conqueror is to the Church that the gates of Hell will not prevail against it. We will be held responsible for every generation of light that we have access to in grace and the right usage of it. Where we are neglectful in our own souls and in the souls of our loved ones we will lose ground, if not shipwreck ourselves, either in one area or in the entire thing. Walk circumspectly. Throwing out the entire history of the Christian Church in every generation is pagan to say the least. It is akin to acting as a dominant culture and taking every other culture captive to our generational dominance. We cannot continue to burn the libraries of Faith for the generations because we cannot reconcile the sins of that generation with our own. We don’t want to own up to our culture’s besetting sins so we act as though they never existed nor have any impact on where we are and where others are instead of confessing and repenting our sins and not throwing away our elders’ writings and lessons of faith because they are tainted w/ besetting sins. Ie. BB Warfields writings.
Honor your father and mother and learning from the Lord is essential to growing in grace and learning and taking our next generations to the next levels in faith, if not maintaining. We keep dumbing down our education and our religion because of our felt need to dominate and to deny the errors of our forefathers. We are supposed to learn from the good and repent of the bad. Why can’t we grow in grace? Is a question we ask in this generation. We are just getting saved and getting saved and getting saved. Lord, help us to grow in grace and in Your knowledge.
Where are the hymns of faith? Where are the battles won? They are here, but…

Friday, August 14, 2009

Imposing, Majestic, MOst Powerful, August, God!

Worthy of all of the praise and honor and glory.

Not unto us, Not unto us, Unto Thy name be all of the glory, My August God!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The heat of the summer sun in August is

just a glimpse of the August Character of our God. He is a consuming fire. God has so much for us hidden in the vastness of His gifts to us, in the earth and in His Word that we are blind and not looking into the mines of His many treasures for us. Halleluia to the August God! and the God of August!

Monday, August 10, 2009


He is powerfully Omnipresent! God is an everpresent help in the time of trouble. It is amazing that the God, who is everywhere, all of the time, can be "more present" sometimes, than other times. He created us to have communion with him. Awesome that He loves to relate to such little people when He is so great! August!

Friday, August 7, 2009

He's the light of my life! August!

He's the light of my life, the fire in my soul, the love of my heart: that sings forever. Jesus is mine, yes He is mine!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Full of Splendor and Solemn Dignity!

Yes He is! God is the fullness of provision, the thought of all things being fulfilled. He is the fullness of everything all in Himself. In a word August! The completeness of everything. He is!
If you look at a full field of corn He is more than that because He is not one bloom unfruitful of small or mishapen. He is the completeness of everything.

Monday, August 3, 2009


Isn't He? God is impressive in all of His ways. I do take this month to concentrate and to meditate on the August and the Impressiveness of the God who created the month and the days and all that we see and don't see.
He is impressive, even in His humility. He doesn't even sign the work of the paintings of the sky that He does for us daily.
He is impressive and August and I praise Him for that. My superlatively Impressive God is worthy to be praised!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

A Gust of August, August,

The month that represents the Glory and Honor of God. August, August. I feel like we should say, Yes He is. It is August. Isn't God just August! Amazing and Intense and Powerful and worthy of all August. Just Glorious.
Welcome August! As August as you become you will never be as August as He is! Praise!