Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Earrings and makeup!

Do You hear what I hear?  I have my earrings on!
I am listening for that still small voice from God and I am reminded from the earrings and the necklaces and the makeup to put on the whole armor of God and be prepared to see and be seen! Thank you!

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Is the Lord my shepherd or not? {regrets for not siezing the day when reading the Lord is my Shepherd for the 59th time}

No Grandma, lets not read the Lord Is My Shepherd tonight…

Let’s read it tomorrow…  His eyes implored with such a longing to read about the rest of the universe.  I gave in, but I did not know that the devil was imploring him to implore me.  Will you have another chance to talk about Jesus and to show His mercy again?  Is Jesus’ provision boring?  Is there something else more important than the Lord being my shepherd, even when you are four years old?  That is LOT’S wife’s spirit who listens and gives in to the children on things of God.  
You are the child and God’s word commands us to listen, whenever and wherever we are.  That is the beauty of a saved Moabitess woman.  I learned from my grandma that whenever somebody says do God’s stuff tomorrow that is the devil and we must never listen to that spirit. That is some of the soap in the washout of Sodom.  No!  We stop what we are doing when God’s lightning and thunder are commanding.  We stop whatever we are doing when God’s Word is discussed and we listen.  We may not know all the theological reasons why, but we have commanded our spirits to be subject to God in wherever and whatever course we are.  The angel told Lots wife not to turn and she didn’t listen.  I think it was the cries of her children and the children of the city that turned her.  God’s allegiance is supposed to be greater.  Greater than my greatest love for my children and grandchildren.  They were upstairs and we couldn’t get them out of the house in time.  Maybe I can convince the angel to take another trip back to pick them up, so they won’t be burnt and lost to the flames of the city.
Save yourself!  Can I save myself when my children are in the city?  That is the sin that I think about when they say Lot’s wife .  Jesus was Lot’s wife attached to her sin or to her children?  He said remember her.  People say she backslid.  There wasn’t time and there isn’t time to wait until tomorrow to read The Lord is My Shepherd.

What are we developing their minds to accomplish?  Don’t take Jeremiah in the car with you! I have to read to him. No we have him now.  There is no other day but today for them to do what is godly.  He taught each of those children how to distract Mrs. Jayne from her dearest love and they already knew how.  But I gave in because they had had close reigns on them for the whole day.  They are tricking you, my sister Jacqueline would tell me.  They look so genuine in their concern for something else.  That is the foolishness that is bound in the child that he prefers random to structured from the womb.  It is our job to structure their thinking and the first structure is to know that every time God is brought up there must be no discussion about it.

Some mothers get high on the authority of speaking for God and say, whatever I say is of the Lord and you must submit to all that I say as if the angels were coming to take your soul.  That burns the children out.  And some like me build priorities in their consciences.  This is neutral and that is convenience and this is worldly perspective, but when God’s word is brought up, don’t ask me to dissuade.  That is what I saw Jacqueline McCullough do in AZuza years ago.  She took a long time and a lot of the attention of the audience to show all of the things that she had learned from upper education about she he and it terminology. This is the line she drew that we can discuss the theories of communication of the millennial day where we live.  But when God says that someone is in sin and will receive the recompense for their deeds of conformity to a norm of Homosexuality or neutrality on these things,  there is no discussion about that.  She went where they were and I kept saying to myself, why is she legitimizing this ambiguous usage of gender neutrality in personal pronouns.  I was praying for understanding and when I understood, I was on board.

“We are sending our children to Sodom to learn and to socialize and they have to go in there with the ability to use the pronouns that their counterparts use.  They can’t speak in King James and she was giving an example of how we conform to the usages where necessary, but draw the line at acceptance of the behaviors.  I can be your friend, but I cannot and will not get in the car with the devil, Jeremiah.  The Lord is my Shepherd is giving you a tool to see God, in whatever den of iniquity you might find yourself in.  Look for the book about Jesus.  Look for the web sight that talks about Jesus’ mercy on that tablet.  find a song that tells you about God’s love when you hear that song that you were trying to take the class to.  Let those demon thoughts go, when you are with me and hear what Jesus has to say.  Mrs. Jayne loves me enough to be implored by me to take another path for a moment and sometimes that isn’t sin to condescend into their silliness.  But sometimes it is sin!

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Whenever the next generation of our family is being born...

Keep peace and peaceful thoughts through your mind the week before delivery.  This is my initial thought.  I know that you can’t control all of your circumstances, but you have your future and the future within your body. What an awesome task to deliver the future?  Can you imagine it?  Imagine it for the glory of God. Imagine that God is going to do great things in your child’s lifetime.  Peace and safety are what we are wishing for our children, no matter what time period you live in.

I let my children bond with their father as early as they bonded with me.  I have been thinking that perhaps men aren’t able to handle the stress of that kind of a relationship with all of their children.  The heart break that I have seen when the children detach from them in an emotional way, is different from how I have seen women handle it.

I would let the next generation wait a week or so to meet their daddy.  This way mom has the original head start and can interpret for the children and for the fathers how very fickle children are, especially daughters.  

They love eachother, but the dark seasons are really hard for the daddies.  I am sure that there will be reconciliation in the generation, but I blame the daddies helping them be born for the strangeness in the conflicts.  Just a thought.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Monday, September 2, 2019

Brewers Yeast in a Ginger Beer

It is Labor Day and I always feel that I have to brew something new on a day off.  It must be a response to being retired from nursing my babies.  I like to drink something that I have created, with a new flavor. 
My Ginger Beer attempt went better today, than any other earlier attempts.  I put pre-ground ginger in it, this time.  I usually grind the ginger myself and I never put enough in.  It never tastes like any ginger is in it at all.
I do love a strong, strong ginger beer, very cold.  It isn't intoxicating to anything but your tastebuds.  Usually there is way too much sugar.  My version was no less sweetened than I am used to. I put about a half a cup of sugar into 3 tablespoons of ginger with the juice of half a lemon in a two cup cup to brew.  I am pulling out my coffee caraffe to brew my cold version, in the hopes that 48 hours in the caraffe will allow natural yeast to form in the brew.  Maybe it will get bubbly!
Who Knew?

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Outlining my Misery Loves Company(Daycare) thoughts

The Misery Loves Company, methods of child-rearing—

How swaddling improves the condition of the minds of infants?
  1. gives them a sense of care and safety
  2. continues the sense of security
  3. improves the remembrance of things that were learned in the womb
  4. links present memories to prenatal memories
  5. engages the mind and prevents the PTSD that the birth process begins
  6. the memories of loving care or simulated loving care helps retain the memories of that time period.

Retention of the information introduced in infancy—
  1. Nursery Rhymes and the rapture
  2. Cultural connectors
  3. Spiritual connectors
  4. Beginning the process of ethical reflexes
  5. Beginning the process of word decoding
  6. context cues and the building of culture

Education non toy playtimes

Slavery’s impact on our child rearing

Recovering from the misdeeds of Dr. Spock

Hormone impulses in Child care and simulated love expressions

The Village of People and the village of Orcs

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Wake Up, Everybody!

To say so little with so much time, is astonishing.

I watched with tepid anticipation of Bold and Sweeping ambitions guiding us into a positive vision of future events from the thinkers and political pundits.  Not So.  When in doubt say Trump, was what I heard.   
The people who think are shut down, by saying that is how Trump won.

it seems that they still don’t get it.  They are blaming people for not wanting anymore of this veiled elitism that has become the order of the day in Political pansying.   

The youngsters who gave real and realistic proposals were shut down for long stories from the elder states people about what they would have done had they the time to have done it.  They’ve been given that time and they haven’t until now, taken up the tasks that they are talking about.  I think it means that they are incapable.  The less time that people were given and yet able to make their point and discuss the problem with a real and candid directness was refreshing.  The long stories are the problem, to my mind.  Don’t tell me stories about this or that person you know who hasn’t been able to find their solution.  Tell me the solution.

Are you going to tax people?  You don’t consider yourselves elitists because you don’t make 50million yet.  Balderdash.  You have made it.  Stop pretending that you are a regular person trying to get things done.  You are about continuing the status quo.  we Americans are not afraid of rich people saying I am rich and I am trying to carve a path for such thinking for everybody.  They have shut those voices down so much.  they don’t recognize the solution, because they are justifying their lifestyles without letting people know that they are rich.  Come On.

Let the people with real answers and bold amazing ideas talk and not these elitists educated ish.  who have the philosophy that all are poor who want to be poor.  If you did what I did, you wouldn’t be poor.  Lets bring ini immigrants to show that off.  give them everything you haven’t had access to, so we can grow the party.  The boat is sinking!   We don’t know why.  Lets continue denying real americans and start again with new americans.  To show the left behind poor how to do it.   Who is losing out to such policies?   FLINT, etc!!!

I say Delaney was the winner, who with less time said more than any on that stage.  It is time for a person with few words and much doing and right priorities of that which is at home to direct the narrative.   

It is lying when Donald Trump does it.  It is directing the narrative, when they say it!  Semanticists need not apply, should be on somebody’s advertisement for the application of Office of President.  It is time to pass the Torch, the torch of self fulfilling leadership.  All for us and the best for us and forget everybody else.  We get raises and We get health care and we get and live off the peoples taxes and offer them nothing but inviting the rest of the world in to prove that poverty is the poor’s fault!  

Get off your fatted 401 ks and do something!

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Back to the Drawing Board in 2019) Studying the Goodness of God, when his providences are elusive?

All is well, said the woman who's son had died to Elijah... We women express interesting faith and unbelief cycles in scripture. I can identify with the unbelief of the NT father who said Lord I believe, help my unbelief, but for the life of me, I will never understand the faith of All is Well, when her son had died? My faith is often tried in my own experiences and especially when it comes to the experiences of my children. I was so relieved to find that Jerry Bridges had had the same experience that I did, when it came to the building up of his shield of faith. I was taught in childhood to "offer it up" which was akin to denying the circumstance as a rightful expression of God's wrath upon our untoward sinful humanity. I kept thinking through my childhood, what kind of friend treats his creation like that. I didn't see any goodness in the terms "offer it up". God is good. The woman with Elijah seemed to understand that God is drawing us into friendship and He uses His providences to grow us into greater communication with Him. We cannot understand or be friends with a long-suffering God if we don't learn long-suffering through crisis. It took years to understand that part of God's winsomeness. He is trying to make us able to communicate with Him.
God I know that You are amazing in the long-suffering attribute, the wellness of Your purpose, might ellude me, but I know that is who you are and that You are my friend and drawing me even closer to Yourself, so the purposes of Your allowing this hardness is "For Your Glory!"

Nothing Between was a motto for 2015 or '16, when I started giving a hymn theme to the year to try to remember. I am trying to grow in my faith and live to get into closer relationship with God, in spite of the fact that my dear girl has inherited the challenge of higher blood pressure to control. It is challenging to lasso this hard fact and bring it into captivity, using medicine and diet and exercise. I believe God has good purposes. I believe God loves me and has a wonderful plan for my life and most of all I believe that God loves my children more than I do!

Thank You Lord for developing my shield of faith and teaching me to trust You a little more with each challenge. Amen.

Nothing between
my soul and the Savior, Naught of this world's delusive dream; I have renounced all sinful pleasure; Jesus is mine, there's nothing between.

Nothing between my soul and the Savior, So that His blessed face may be seen; Nothing preventing the least of His favor, Keep the way clear! Let nothing between.

Nothing between, like worldly pleasure; Habits of life, though harmless they seem, Must not my heart from Him e'er sever; He is my all, there's nothing between.

Nothing between, like pride or station; Self-life or friends shall not intervene; Though it may cost me much tribulation, I am resolved; there's nothing between.

Nothing between, e'en many hard trials, Though the whole world against me convene; Watching with prayer and much self-denial, I'll triumph at last, with nothing between.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Come Home, already!

Perhaps, DC is the place where we send our best talkers to learn how to monetize human life and make deals for their constituents. We have all decided that the only people who are unrepresented are the unborn, at this juncture of history. If we survive this calculation is up to us. Will we fight for the truth that they are people too, or will we continue to barter the future adinfinitum, so to speak.

A part of our country that is always under the spotlight of public scrutiny and paying the price of God's judgment is a spectacle, of course. I think that there are different places in the country that have claims to fame. DC is the hollowness of the hole in the ground of the conscience.

If I make my bed in hell, Thou art there! God's word reminds us.
So we needn't be afraid of being there. But I must be afraid of the mentality that every person has a monetization. How much is that person's vocabulary worth? Etc. Are they using it up to the level of the parity of their deductions? All of that is in the air in DC. You needn't enter into the discourse with it. You only need to pray that God will touch and bring the valleys up to ground level.

In my imagination, every State negotiates with the heavenlies for the trophy of God's presence. Do we want some of His presence? Do we turn from including Him in our ways? We will be shocked, when we get to heaven and find that we had just about as much of God as we ever wanted, both in our personal life and in our corporate "State".

Don't Drink the Water!

Saturday, February 9, 2019

And they call it poopy love

This is my fourth year in the study of infant care. I was in awe of Ms. Janet, initially. She seemed in command of her ship, so diligently. Some might have considered her a control freak. I simply loved to watch what her focus was. So much of childcare is unpredictable, that she considered controlling what could be controlled as her mission. In my years of mothering, I must say that I never thought of it that way.

Her very first consideration of the child was the poop. It is disgusting. I agree that poop is disgusting. But the difference between nursing poop and bottle poop is uncontrollable. She didn't like the changing process, but she would gird herself up as a warrior and change them in and amazing rhythm.

She seemed to have a party when the child no longer had that yucky kind of poop. I had never noticed that there had been a process to the poop. Early harder poops that can be handled easily became my goal, also. Less time wiping and fewer soft poops as possible became the goal. That became my focus amidst the mayhem of infant care.

Keeping them from hurting eachother and learning how they communicate was a close second to not having to spend ten or fifteen minutes changing a poopy baby. I really don't mind the changing diaper process persay, but children have a way of using that time to get into mischief. I saw that.

Today I thought about that because my poop was unusually sinking to the bottom of the toilet and I consider that I may have a new season of my own poop to consider. That is why I am telling you so!
She seemed commander of the poop!  She celebrated their transition to a less sticky process of diaper changing...

She knew what to feed them to firm it all up, etc,.  I hadn't noticed those details, but I found myself admiring some certain types of poop and disdaining others....
The Adventists had the best poop, in my opinion. It was like little marbles that you never got on yourself at all.  I liked that better than the mushy stuff...

Parents sent the food, but if they didn't Mrs. Janet kept a stash for them.. Get them off the breast milk as early as possible and let's speed up the changing process.  Not my sentiments, exactly but I understood why people looked at nursing mothers with an incredulity of their tolerating that soft stuff for so long...  It is a lot different when it is your breast milk and your child's soft stuff...

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

I think the only reason Nebuchadnezzar lives was because he challenged some human minds to think

{Originally written on 1/1/19}

A covenant of brain development...

Perhaps a figment of my imagination I believe that the translation of Enoch to heaven was a translation of brain development as well as a translation of heart relationship...

God is intensely defending his own glory, is a  given.  We cannot know or see God without faith.  It is impossible to please HIm.  we must believe that he is and is a rewarded of them that diligently seek him.   What is diligently seeking God?  Is. It repeating the Halleluiah with or without a faith base.  Absolutely not!  Is it consistency in our vows and responsibilities?  We know that Jesus paid it all in that regard.

My mind says that God wants us to pursue Him with our minds.  He has set up a world where we are able to seek his will for our lives with our minds and with our hearts and with our hands

What means swords to plowshears.  Fighting the battle for better health and seeing the purpose of God in the things that are around us?  do we use our faith to do that?  Very rarely...

What if climbing up the mountain is a symbolism for being a church which is stuck on the mountain of legality in PIlgrim's Progress?  What if our moving forward is a judgment against our not using our faith to advance our minds and look up where we are in the greater scheme of things?  What if? what if we are stuck in a church history motif that is trying our working together with likeminded brethren of other colors and cultures?  Are we winning or losing that battle?  God is going to show Himself just as prejudiced against our directions as we are to our avowed prejudicial acceptance... We accept our own prejudices and can see our infidelities that we accept very clearly.

What if we haven't even made it to the wicket gate with our burdens because our theology is eschewed thinking that we are saved by our much churchyness....?god give us eyes to see that God will and has tolerated heresies and false beliefs that have damned generations or blinded them to the true faith that God expected them to live on the earth.  Are we entertaining ourselves to death?  Are we fighting the good fight?

Taking care of our lives and our bodies and our world is a part of our relationship with God.  where is our song about walking through the wicket gate and guiding others through and avoiding the fiery darts of the wicked one?   where is our song about learning the difference between legality and true faith?  Is our simplicity of faith blinding us from real study of the Word and great literature.  

Overcoming by the "word of their testimony means engaging in the word warfare that locks our eyes from seeing the mission of the church in our age.  We are not looking at the map and singing as we go thinking the next stop is heaven and we are supposed to be learning a lesson of legality that is lost because we are thinking that a lesson is for the sons of Japheth...

Seize the Day. The code belongs to us, but not if we aren't reading and translating as we ought.