My Jo (sis) and I had a discussion about what makes a woman throw off her feminism for the apron(so to speak). We had had this conversation many times and she had never been able to understand why I would submit my life to my wifely and motherly attempts. Then, she met Gill Noble. He's gone now. But, she heard him speak and described every notable inspiration that made her throw off her feminism, for that brief moment. I could identify, completely. I love my Ben in that way that there is a presence and an ability that makes you say, I will follow you. It is very observable, for a bunch of Bodden girls who were raised with boxing gloves and tennis rackets, a huge American twist serve and a big chip on the shoulder. When we collapse in the arms, it is a Goliath tumble. I don't know what my father did to make us like this, but we are what we are.
Jo described having had her act together to go and see this distinguished man speak. She was ready to be the woman student, but it rained and she was suffering with the popcorn syndrome of our hair. She watched him intently and there was something about the way that he instructed that made her incognicent of her BHD (Bad Hair Day). We got goose bumps about it afterward. He was commanding and yet not fierce. He was intentional and directive and wooing and she said, I don't care where he leads me. I am following him. She left and we both revelled in the wonder of God having made men that were like that. I married mine. She couldn't catch Gill Noble, he had already been taken. So she showed me her apron, put back on her feminism and waited for the next bus.