So, early Saturday Morning, I am going away with my friends.This morning's friend is Auntie. I remember Auntie's devoted washing of the dishes. It seemed like a prayer. She separated the dishes, which was something I never could find myself doing in my home growing up. Dishes seemed like the worst fate in our house, growing up. 12 people all day and the pile seemed endless by the time I got home from school.
Whenever I went to Auntie's house her devotion to the dishes seemed to say, I will meet you here, when I am gone. I will be a part of God's healing process of the dish scars on your soul. She is part of my healing and the Holy Spirit, himself reminds me of her devotion to clean those dishes as a prayer. I pray, while doing mine and I separate them when I get a chance to. I don't make them a complaint and a gripe against my children, as much as I can. I pray for their mouths and bodies to enjoy my labor in good health and learning.
This morning it was 4 am. I started boiling the water. I put all of the silverwear that was dirty in the pie plate. I poured the boiling water twice over them, before I began. It is 10:30 now and all of them are not completed, but the freezer is clean and the carpet is vacuumed and I am on to other Saturday morning remembrances and prayers for the future. Thank God, He makes all things beautiful. In His Time!