So many of the stories my children tell me about their childhood start with, I never understood this or that expectation that you had of me, or thing that you said. Today, I experienced it with my Karadyn. She came in the morning determined to clarify this time out process. It is a game to us both. My expectations, I try to make simple and clear. There are many things that inconvenience me, but only 2 or three things that will get consequences. I try to reserve my scary voice for dangers, ie. hitting the baby or touching the fire extinguisher. Time out is only for regular and consistent infractions of the 2 major laws...Don't touch the baby wipes and don't go in the pantry. Both are for my convenience, but also for learning to listen and follow directions
Today, Karadyn was attempting to dissect the loudness issue with me. She is very inquisitive and very smart. She knows that we have a rapport and she uses it. The lesson happened while she was in the walker. She can't touch much from the walker so she went to the fire extinguisher and I clapped my hands and said, get away from there. Her quizzical face helped me to understand her confusion. There is no time out consequence attached to the fire extinguisher, Why? It is attached to the wall and it is a sublime danger, but I don't want to make it a game, like the babywipes and the pantry. I am trying to detract attention from it and keep them on the task of investigating the room. That is a danger and that is that.Maybe, she'll understand that tomorrow or later on in life. Clarity and consistency in my voice and my consequences is my goal.