So many years ago, I was cleaning chicken with Aunt Gail. She doesn't buy kosher meat, like my mother and the chicken definitely looked very different from the chickens that I had seen in my mother's kitchen. I didn't judge the chicken, but I was grossed out, as usual. I knew that I had to clean a chicken or two sometimes, but I hadn't the number of children that I have now. She had her cleaning utensils set like a surgeon and she was cutting and cutting and she really made me wonder if she planned to eat any of the chicken legs that she had bought. I thought she paid per pound and she cut half of what she bought off the chicken in cleaning it. What a questionable practice? As usual, I said nothing, just watched her meticulous ways. I chalked it up to her being fastidious. Finally she stopped on the last level of cutting and it was a bunch of gunk that wasn't meat and wasn't fat, etc. I was so grossed out. She looked me in the eye and she said, do you see this? I said yes, kind of questioningly. This is cancer, as far as I am concerned. Okay! I said. This is the way that we were taught to humor our elders, as they instructed us with things that we couldn't understand. I was feeling privileged that she had brought me into this close confidence and I was old enough to understand the grief that we all had of the loved ones lost to this disease that was inexplicable. My father had his own superstitions about it also, so I kind of hugged her hard as we parted and hoped that God would comfort her in her pain.
A quiet person gets alot of these kinds of personal confessions from people that Ruth used to sluff off and say "are you writing a book?" No, but we are passing on important information, respecting healthy living and lives. God wants us to be healthy and mothering is about holding these things. Midnight is about putting out the light that motherhood has lit for us to walk by.That is an aside and some of the messages from earlier Wimbledon finals
This one was about my juicer and the crud that has built up on my juicer. I had let that yucky stuff build up on it. I took out the baking soda and vinegar and went to work on my juicer, in honor of the Ruth who taught us to juice{rest her soul}. I have my juicing items and am taking more painstaking effort to keep my juice clean. I used to say, I am the only one drinking this. My body can process the gunk. This time the gunk represented the gunk in my own bloodstream and that of my progenitors. Helping their bodies process these foods well and fully is the quest of my life. Wimbledon affords the elites with a superior experience of Tennis. Immaculate courts and seasoned players on a background of seeming unattainable etiquette. We mustn't put family into such an unattainable category. We certainly shouldn't put health and wholeness into such a category. Getting in touch as to when your body is working properly and when it isn't and why is the job of motherhood. Your mission, should God call you to the task is to get to the innards of your family and trouble it into the best condition possible.Clean is part of this. Clean insides means eating veggies and juicing, when possible, with the cleanest juicer that you can keep. Exercising and moving and doing your best to be the example that you want them to follow. Cut as much of the parts of your meat that you don't think are healthy, Like Aunt Gail showed me and listen carefully for the right things that older people have to tell you. Learn to listen and listen to learn and God will whisper behind what they say what his secrets are about it.
And remind me to tell you the secret that God showed me this year, sometime.My juice this morning was 3 large celery sticks and one large apples=1 measured cup of celery apple juice-