Then I quitted the side of my sleeping boy, triumphant in his dreamless innocence, and sat defeated by the window, to crave counsel and help from the ever-present Friend; and as I waited I sank into a tumultuous slumber, from which at last I started to find the long-tarrying dawn climbing over a low wall and creeping through a half-open shutter.
I am fawning over the sense of resignation to providence that this woman took on such a task. Every teaching assignment holds a sense of fear and trepidation and leaning on the Everlasting Arms. I would say that your own children make your heart sit on the edge, with the awesomeness of the task and the promised judgment that God has uttered for those who place the stumblingblocks in their way. But the way that this woman, in her obvious grief took on a heathen nation's monarch and his children, with abandon to the grace of God, is amazing. From the first chapter where fearfulness on the boat made her quiver, she put it perfectly---
Craving Counsel and Help from "The Ever Present Friend".
Most times this is the only help in a chosen profession or task.
When my heart is overwhelmed!