I love watching the Gadsdens first crushes. They are so disciplined in their lives and yet there is a carefreeness that they seem attracted to in the girls who are more often in trouble. Perhaps it is the attention that their trouble creates for them or something else, maybe.
I watched William's short stint of a crush with Rhema and that has fizzled and now it is Joshua and Kaylee. There is something freeing that he seems to find in playing with her. She has absolutely no consideration for rules, whatsoever. She lives as though no person should or has the right to direct her steps. She never sits or stands when the class is directed to and if there is a directive given to everyone, she is sure to go the other way.
Thursday morning Joshua sat next to her, looked up in the air as he always does and said I am Joshua and then they proceeded to play together without another word said between them until breakfast. They were dressing the paper dolls. A game that few of the threes engage in. It takes some observation and hand skill that isn't cared for by most of the children, but they found a common thread there and it was curious to me how two very opposite children could find commonality.
I am prejudicely suspect of only children by bias. I hardly think them able to learn to really share, whereas children in a larger family have no choice but to share from their earliest moments of life. I realize that my bias is wrong and baseless, but I haven't seen it really work out that only children don't take advantage of what is a rule of law for children in larger families. All children are selfish, but it has long been my opinion that only children can only be understood by only children and multiples, the same. The family dynamic draws out personality traits that are best kept to themselves, as I see it. The concept of cherishing and mine alone is sometimes lost in a big family and needs to be learned and the concept of sharing and community like to the only child, in my opinion.
In any case, I was liking the personality sharing that was happening between Kaylee and Joshua. He was feeling free in her freedom and she was learning disciplines she hasn't exercised before. All over a couple of paper dolls!