Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Boundaries of the Heart!

Around my heart there is a wall, Inside are the workings of a very useful organ, outside are other organs and protections of the body to this essential organ.
In Psalm 119, as we study we see how the Psalmist speaks of God's infinite heart in His commandments. He also says that, while my heart cannot be infinite like the commands of God; when I am drawing the lines of distinction as to what is in and what is outside of the affections which I embrace with my heart, God's word will help me draw the lines.
Loving the people that He gives me the responsibility to love, with all of the help that He gives me to do that. Embracing the responsibility to be to them, what they need me to be. Love of my children means, living and putting on that hopeful demeanor. Love of my children means, learning to say the truth about where we are with the knowledge that I am not their provider, as God is, but a provision for them, one of the many that He has given to them.
I strive to teach them dependence upon God in the dark circumstances as well as in the light.
I want to know that they can live past the limitations that I have, from the seasons of my past. I want to know that their faith is stronger because they see that God is so much bigger than I am.
I want them to love God inspite of the inconsistencies they see in me. I want to give them hope in expression and learn to mature myself so that I am not swayed by the circumstances in my emotions, but even when I am:which I find myself all too often. I want to know that their faith is not dependent on mine. It seems to be that way for most of them.

I admire the control of expression, in masculinity of a Tony Snow, who looked foes in the face and could keep a straight face. Smile in adversity, truth or a lie, we will never know. People need people that they can be real with. Cry with. sob with, pray with and yearn with. I saw a little boy, in Tony's eyes, with a huge temper tantrum before God saying, I don't want to be going through this. I don't want everybody looking down my throat as I grieve my own life. I don't want to say, I am dying to my children and wife. I don't want to see everything that I have lived for snatched from me so soon. I don't know what is next, Heaven, I hope for him, but leaving my children and the expectation of the grands is very hard. He said that in his eyes. Life! Love! Gone! Game, set and match, Tony...

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