Wednesday, April 29, 2009

My lawn is now cut...

My personal, landscape architect is wonderfully taken a hand to the beauty of our outside surroundings and I am very pleased with the results. Snap is trying to give me some buds and Ginger looks like she might give me some also. For pear trees, they look like they are making themselves at home here. Peachy is intent upon making me beg for new leaves and I have cantaloupe seeds, that we will be trying to see come up in this season. What a beautiful anticipation Spring has?

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Peachypoo is getting some leaves back

Poor plant got a little too much air for her own good. I must've put her out too early and she lost just about every leaf that we had preserved through the winter. I had blooms for my birthday and blooms into January and even in February. When March came, I thought she was craving for the outdoors and the chill snap came around and she just could not keep up with it. She lost every leaf she had. I feel sorry for her now looking totally green. Its just not like her to be blooming. When she is happy, she is blooming and now she looks restoring and green but it is sorry to see her minus the blooms. I can't wait till she perks up.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

"Cat-gut Your tongue?"

Yucky-poo, too many puddles were out there. My baseball hitters found numerous occasions to wet up the balls in various puddles. If my strings were cat-gut, like my old racquet was, I would have had to stop an hour earlier than we did. Whew! I am not mad! :{ I am not discouraged. The courts should be more dry tomorrow. The balls should stay in the court more tomorrow. I won't give up on you guys with this.
The pop of the new balls and the smell of the new balls quickly faded into grunge when they hit the puddles. I should've kissed those balls while I had a chance. Too late now, they are old and grungy. Spring training and a bunch of semi-motivated Walkerlings. forhands. What? What is a forehand? It is always back to the old drawing board in the spring. Like bunnies having to learn how to hop all over again, in the spring.
I had a little time with each of the 4 little ones while my Senioritis modelled her new creation dress all over the park. She's starting a new style. I'm with her. If I get her to make me one, I'll wear it to play tennis in. :}

Friday, April 10, 2009

Flutilla the one!

Where are you flutilla? You grew up too quickly. Can I flute now, mother? Yes dear, you may flute now? May I flute now, mother, Yes dear you may flute. May I not take the other courses so that I may flute? That fluting my dear, is a choice between you and God. Follow along. Enjoy your musings, your flutings, but know that all fluting will come back to sing to you erelong. You are a member of the band and an accomplishing flutist. Follow and do. Don't put it down now!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Learning to love my limas.

I love the memories of walking into Grandma Ruth's house and seeing her love my husband with limas. The smell and the look were often sickening to me, because we did go over there alot when I was expecting. My Ben, was often saying, at least to himself. How come you know how to cook like this, Grandma and this didn't pass down to my wife? He didn't say it like that, but Grandma knew that him licking his lips meant that. She couldn't explain our cultural differences to my husband, she could just be Black to him and help him to realize that eventually, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. He ate her limas and he didn't despise me for my uncaring, despising of something that was beautiful to him.
I had learned to hate that spirit of condescending woman, who lived to feed her husband. And I didn't even know it. I submitted in action, but, rebelled in spirit. I would cook grits, because I couldn't get away from that, but I wouldn't even buy a lima, and I knew that my husband loved that.
God has taken that responsibility from me in His righteous judgement. Life is spared, but the heart is gone. Only the limas remain!

Monday, April 6, 2009

My Pressure Cooker is becoming an invaluable tool

in my home. I cooked another batch of limas in honor of the ladies. My husband loves them and I love them now and it makes me cry when I think of the many battles with mom to eat your limas. I hated them. They were horrible and I wouldn't eat them. I threw them behind the radiator and put them around my plate and did everything not to eat them. Now when I eat them I get heart aches of pangs of remorse, what health I probably missed, for rebelling in that way.
It makes me a little more persistent at times when the children combat me in some area or another. If I know it is good for them, although I never push the limas upon them, I will make them and I take out all of my arsenal to boot. They laugh at me when I get my broom like Grandma Ruth used to do with her boys. They say mom, you aren't going to hit me with a broom are you. As I look up at my, nearly 6 foot son, I say, " Oh, won't I!" They do as they're told so as not to see me "lose my 'ligion!"

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Enjoying the beauty and blessing of my home!

I would stay in this house all of the time, if they let me. I am reclining in my lounge front room next to the half-bath at the bottom of the stairs. The boys used to slide down the stairs and now they've gotten too big to do that and we've reproved them so often that they know better. Its cute to look at the steps and expect to see one of them sliding. Now they saunter and catapault, they jump down all the steps all at one time, but they are not allowed to slide down the bannister-shelf. The pictures going up the stairs are already outdated and the childrens' growth is impossible to keep up with, if I don't try to stay in shape.
My Epsom Salt bath is going to be set soon in my luxurious bathroom that I could get lost in. It is huge! I think I will put bubbles today, to mark the day. I am still pining that I can't workout like I used to. Hopefully the next workout session will leave me without the painful aftermath.
I could sleep in my half-bath. I sit in there and dream of the colors and things that I want to do with it. Some days it is my recording room. The echo is perfect in there, but you can't have the light on, because the fan makes too much noise on the recording. We have a nice large mirror in the half- bath, where you can see your whole body if you stand back. The floor has so much promise and I know just what color, I want to put in there when this economic crunch allows it.

When I come home from work, I will spend some time in there dreaming!