Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Last night I dreamed that I was under a fearful threat.

Out of nowhere these 4 very large men defended me from the bad man. They beat him up and he had no bruises. I felt loved and comforted and there was no more threat. When I woke up, I thought about the dream that it could have been Daniel, Mishael, Hananiah and Azariah. I never thought about them being big, even though the scriptures say that their eating had made them fatter and plumper than the other slaves that had gone through the initiation with them.
Whoever these men were, they came out of nowhere and they were bigger than any man that I had seen and very, very fat. A healthy kind of fat and they beat up that threatening man, like nothing that I had ever seen. I am familiar with that kind of fear, but, I must say that I had never felt that kind of defense before. I had given that kind of defense over my sisters and brothers, but I can't say that I ever felt that quite like that before.
I am sure that it was just a dream and I know that the Hebrew boys and Daniel were some of the most peaceful men who ever lived, but it was very comforting to sense that they could be close enough friends to defend me like that. What an imagination, I have.
An interesting dream

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