Thursday, May 20, 2010

My daddy played memory games with me, from my earliest memory of him

He told me, that he started with telling me little things to fetch for him. He started with single items and then a list of 5 or ten things when I was too young to remember him doing this. Then, it was phone numbers. I was his phone book. He would offer a prize to the person who could remember Aunt Iva's phone number from home to Brooklyn, where she lived. He never, ever carried a phone book, wherever we were, he would say Jayne, what is Aunt Iva's phone number. I can't remember anything now. I am old. But at that age, I had them all in my mind. The only problem is that, I think that because he force fed all that informational stuff into my mind, like a computer, it forced out memory for regular stuff, like shutting off of the water in the tub and shutting off the iron. Those memory items, forgotten, had most serious consequenses, usually a bop in the head, or something like that. The other were a game. I gravitated to remember the phone numbers and my timestables and stuff like that.
"Jayne, what is Aunt Iva's phone number?"

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Beauty is as beauty does?

You girls are always designing shirts, cartoons, cards and other creative things, dollies and such. I am always amazed that there are so many ways to design a room or put it together. Clean is better than, well designed, I say. Clean first and then pick up your pen. Clean first and then pull out the sewing machine. Clean first and then entertain your friends and family.
A beautiful raincoat and what did God send us? RAIN! Thank you Lord!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

~~~~Uh-uh-She's got a new attitude?~~~~~

Prima’s leaves are getting messed up by aphids. She was crying this morning and still, the show must go on. She pirouetted, with pride and beauty, so I watered her. I never get to water the plants in the morning. This morning, I planted all of my seedlings, I thinned out my eggplant patch, I put Mr. Strawberry in his place and then watered the duet, Prima and the Diva were, in their glory. Of course, it rained. It seemed the angels were sympathizing with Prima, as I was. Let’s hope that is the end of the aphids.I will have to stake Prima, after all, if she doesn’t perk up.Blue, found a wonderful perch on Prima and I tried to take a picture, but she wasn’t in the mood. Of all of the mornings to play shy. She just wanted me to chase her. I wouldn’t do it. I have my pride, also and I had no time.For the love of Prima, I want to get a tape of Patti Labelle for her, so she can see what she reminds me of—“New Attitude”.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Good Morning, Mr. Strawberry

Ms. Robin knows all about a bumper crop of strawberries. She and Ms Bluejay met me outside this morning. It was delightful to see how they laugh at me trying to develop a green thumb. You were getting so excited about the flower seeds, like you've never seen a strawberry before or a seed come from a flower. I hope you know, I mean it all in fun. I am laughing with you and not at you.