Monday, August 6, 2012

What profit is there for the godly woman? The presence of God is a treasure!

Why should I try to be a godly woman? Where is the advantage in trying to love God and live holy as a woman? So many questions come into the mind when you are trying to decide where is the advantage of knowing God in your youth. You feel like a sitting duck for the devil and his schemes. How will I ever get worldly wise, if I am following God from early in life? These are questions that lurk in the mind of the youngsters growing up under the grace of God and instructed early. You are early taught to see your sins and flee to Christ for mercy and pardon. You are early taught to prize the presence of God. Sometimes, we don't appreciate the presence of God, until we go into a far country. We don't recognize that we are blessed, until we live in a place without that blessing. Some people equate monetary blessing with the presence of God. That is what was the blessing of Rahab, in my estimation. She would never be deceived by such a lie. She lived in an oppulent society, without God. God is coming to judge our city, she would lure her listeners into her home to escape the coming destruction. Money is not a measure of blessing. Stuff is not a measure of blessing. The presence of God in worship and the presence of God in family life is the measure. Obed-Edom was that picture, in David's kingdom. He knew God. He followed the truth of God and God blessed his household. That is the measure. I can imagine that we will get to glory and see how much God longed to enter into our fellowship in our circumstances. How we shunned Him in our grasping for the straws of attainments? God's presence in our life is life indeed. His burden is easy and His burden is light. Learn from the testimonies of the godly elders that have gone before you and don't wait to make your calling and election sure. You have a treasure of godly examples and testimonies in your mindseyes. Don't despise such a treasure. Use these examples to launch you into pursuits and a life of love to God and love of His Word and a life of learning to live in the presence of God and with short accounts with man, but certainly with God!

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