No Grandma, lets not read the Lord Is My Shepherd tonight…
Let’s read it tomorrow… His eyes implored with such a longing to read about the rest of the universe. I gave in, but I did not know that the devil was imploring him to implore me. Will you have another chance to talk about Jesus and to show His mercy again? Is Jesus’ provision boring? Is there something else more important than the Lord being my shepherd, even when you are four years old? That is LOT’S wife’s spirit who listens and gives in to the children on things of God.
You are the child and God’s word commands us to listen, whenever and wherever we are. That is the beauty of a saved Moabitess woman. I learned from my grandma that whenever somebody says do God’s stuff tomorrow that is the devil and we must never listen to that spirit. That is some of the soap in the washout of Sodom. No! We stop what we are doing when God’s lightning and thunder are commanding. We stop whatever we are doing when God’s Word is discussed and we listen. We may not know all the theological reasons why, but we have commanded our spirits to be subject to God in wherever and whatever course we are. The angel told Lots wife not to turn and she didn’t listen. I think it was the cries of her children and the children of the city that turned her. God’s allegiance is supposed to be greater. Greater than my greatest love for my children and grandchildren. They were upstairs and we couldn’t get them out of the house in time. Maybe I can convince the angel to take another trip back to pick them up, so they won’t be burnt and lost to the flames of the city.
Save yourself! Can I save myself when my children are in the city? That is the sin that I think about when they say Lot’s wife . Jesus was Lot’s wife attached to her sin or to her children? He said remember her. People say she backslid. There wasn’t time and there isn’t time to wait until tomorrow to read The Lord is My Shepherd.
What are we developing their minds to accomplish? Don’t take Jeremiah in the car with you! I have to read to him. No we have him now. There is no other day but today for them to do what is godly. He taught each of those children how to distract Mrs. Jayne from her dearest love and they already knew how. But I gave in because they had had close reigns on them for the whole day. They are tricking you, my sister Jacqueline would tell me. They look so genuine in their concern for something else. That is the foolishness that is bound in the child that he prefers random to structured from the womb. It is our job to structure their thinking and the first structure is to know that every time God is brought up there must be no discussion about it.
Some mothers get high on the authority of speaking for God and say, whatever I say is of the Lord and you must submit to all that I say as if the angels were coming to take your soul. That burns the children out. And some like me build priorities in their consciences. This is neutral and that is convenience and this is worldly perspective, but when God’s word is brought up, don’t ask me to dissuade. That is what I saw Jacqueline McCullough do in AZuza years ago. She took a long time and a lot of the attention of the audience to show all of the things that she had learned from upper education about she he and it terminology. This is the line she drew that we can discuss the theories of communication of the millennial day where we live. But when God says that someone is in sin and will receive the recompense for their deeds of conformity to a norm of Homosexuality or neutrality on these things, there is no discussion about that. She went where they were and I kept saying to myself, why is she legitimizing this ambiguous usage of gender neutrality in personal pronouns. I was praying for understanding and when I understood, I was on board.
“We are sending our children to Sodom to learn and to socialize and they have to go in there with the ability to use the pronouns that their counterparts use. They can’t speak in King James and she was giving an example of how we conform to the usages where necessary, but draw the line at acceptance of the behaviors. I can be your friend, but I cannot and will not get in the car with the devil, Jeremiah. The Lord is my Shepherd is giving you a tool to see God, in whatever den of iniquity you might find yourself in. Look for the book about Jesus. Look for the web sight that talks about Jesus’ mercy on that tablet. find a song that tells you about God’s love when you hear that song that you were trying to take the class to. Let those demon thoughts go, when you are with me and hear what Jesus has to say. Mrs. Jayne loves me enough to be implored by me to take another path for a moment and sometimes that isn’t sin to condescend into their silliness. But sometimes it is sin!