Monday, June 12, 2023

Hands In! Hands Down!

 Facts and Facets

Heirs together of the grace of life?  God’s Word

If heirs together what are the facets that create the dynamic of inheritance.   My gift from Ben on 40 years together was a faceted mirror with goodies loaded atop them that were historically significant.  My own engagement ring got lost at Remington Street the day that I took it off to wash his mother’s hair.  I don’t remember the exact number of corners of the top of my own diamond, but I often see the tops of the buildings in Charlotte and imagine a group of women volleyball players putting their hands in the huddle and the diamonds represent the determination to defeat the world, the flesh and the devil in the eternal match!  The Eternal Match!

Mother’s in the Spiritual Israel have a calling to represent Christ to their children and focus on preserving the knowledge of God against all enemies, domestic and abroad who would seek to silence and nullify the influence of the Church in the generation they are called to protect.  Daniel wasn’t a woman, but he is the example of this because his call to preserve through an onslaught of godlessness is parallel to our own generation.  The exaltation of polytheism and the exaltation of idolization of humanism and humanity are some other enemies.  Committed relationships and women who support them are part of the eternal facets which are recognized in Scripture.   Diamonds themselves are not represented in scripture as such, but that is the symbol that has been passed down to our recognition.  Self actualization and individual rights stand as goliath against the knowledge of God passed down from generation to generation and they mimic the voice of the church, oftentimes stealing the language of redemption to validate their lies.  I will, I will says the devil.  His self actualization is our model to follow.  Eve followed ignorantly.  She thought God had some secret he was saving for those who found their own way.  All we like sheep follow her in disobedience and then God saves us.  Emulators of family project their wills and super impose their images for God upon the family.  They cannot stand. Government attempts to superimpose it’s image upon the family creating a democratic or monopoly of individual autocrats in place of parts of the body.  The image that God has given us has a head and parts that function interdependently.  The image that the devil has given us eats and drinks of itself and is self absorbed and self actualized and actualizing.  I will survive! Says the devil to God.  I will fight.  I will keep fighting against you and the family until “SHE is “saved through the child bearing” and until They inherit the grace of “LIFE”.  As long as they can be distracted from that,  I am good with that says he.

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