They are not to be cornered or held down to a growing schedule. The plants in my vineyard home are all around my head. They will soon be spouting shoots in other directions, but for now they are around me. I like it sometimes when its not choking me. They are all affectionate and precious. Goals to be set and aimed at, life to be lived and directions to be scored and set out upon. God is the guide and the motivation of our lives and if it takes us generations and years in this generation to score a goal, we will perservere. That is God's will. To enjoy His presence forever. Some of His presence is when we are all together. Learning to do something with all of that spiritual firepower is challenging. Doctrinal prowess is not always appreciated in this world's eye.
The plants in the garden must be planted and controled and that is the order of the day, inside and outside my home. God grant that we may see and pursue Your will above all the other motivations.