Thursday, December 31, 2009

Tis...the last day of the year.

I got my 12 days of rain and then some. I got decent grades from my children. We are still going into the new year in the red. I will not pray for money, but for provisions, to get current on all outstanding debt. That is a heavy burden I must say. Even with the blessing of health and love and peaceful interaction, in the family; a year in the complete red can daunt the spirits. I am ashamed that I had intentions of training for a marathon and that didn't pan out in the least. If I walked, there seemed always some tripping element in my path, to hurt my knee.
The Hoedown dance was my exercise of choice, I still haven't been able to get all of the steps down, like my children. Pop it, Lock it...Hawk in the sky and then I am lost. That took the place of the hamster dance and thriller for 2009's latter end. Oh, and woe, I am aging and I am trying to keep up with that little fellow Ezra. I can't play Wii everyday. Reading has been some sort of a generation gap filler for us. He understands that I can't be a playmate as I was with just about all of the rest of them. It is very disturbing that they are unkind in their play with oneanother as they are, at times. I can relate, though not approve. I am not around them enough to apply the law of kindness to their interactions. I guess I should be grateful that they are applying the Word of God to their own interactions. They have become adept at reproving and instructing oneanother, sometimes maybe too much.
Still, the year has been crowned and inhabited by the refreshing of the Lord in our family interaction. We still are trying to use 1Cor. 13 as a guide in relating in marriage and in family life. God used the messages at church to provoke and unify us in our faith. The messages from Pastor Ryken were a prod and a stirring up of some of the things that are making this midlife a difficult portion of the sojourn, it was enlightening. I am very glad that he turned tail from that meditation straight on to 1 Cor. 13 or I would have been in the slough, with no relief. Duties are calling, the first of which is love.

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