Sunday, June 5, 2016

Coup de Tat-- My Queen Deposed!

The beauty of the Spaniard was my only comfort, as I watched the vanquishing of my "reigning" Queen Serena! I am in Tennis agony, as it were. She has sat upon her throne, virtually unscathed, until yesterday.

A thorough spanking it was, in straight sets. It sent my good woman, though probably not dispondant, for she made a very good showing; she better get some practice sessions in, before their next meeting, which will probably be at Wimbledon.

Garbine is a wonder on the court. Her legs don't seem to have to be on the ground when she makes contact with the ball. She seems to have overcome the nervous choke that beat her, last year at Wimbledon. So the season has much to anticipate in the possible complete wall of protection from the breaking of the absolute record, which seemed totally inevitable, last year, to the unchallenged real Queen of the Modern Tennis Era!

The good thing is that the Queen may not retire this year and we may have some time, to watch her get back up on her throne, this season.

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