Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Communicating and Carrying the Consciences of the Governed---thoughts

Oh, what a transparent Pastor to have governed us with his soul exposed to us, as much as he did.   There is a dearth of men who can and will lead and it is no wonder that there is so much chaos in the world.  I am remembering Pastor Martin,  who told us of the theory of "carrying the consciences of God's people".   I remember some of the streets of gold that we trod upon in our youthful zeal for a Theocentric family worship experience.

I am certainly rambling on about many things that have fallen by the wayside and I really have a very deliberate intent to direct you to right leadership skills;  should God ever call on you to lead anyone.  

This week we have seen good expressions of leadership from our new President and some poor expressions as well.   Yesterday, the President gathered many to announce a pick for the Judgeship.  He explained his purposes exquisitely.  I said to myself, he didn't really need to say that, but he really did.  You will find in your life that there is often a need to declare the obvious, to anyone who would follow you.   I am doing this, for this reason; is something that should often come out of your lips if you want anyone to follow you anywhere.

Pastor Martin would sneeze and take out his hanky and tell us why he had a hanky and not a tissue.  I would stick my hand in my throat to say "TOO much info!"  We love you Pastor and we would follow you anywhere why so much explanation?   I wriggled with uncomfortability, to know so much about a man whom I respected so much.

If we had visitors, it would take him an extra 20 minutes to explain why we are having consecutive readings with or without commentary and where we had been in the scriptures and why.   Why do they need to know, I wondered?  They are not coming back to visit us again!

I think that the stinky look on my face, whenever he would rant in such a way would make him go on worse and sometimes discuss the "Theory of 'Carrying the Consciences of God's People'": his terminology, my theorizing it...

Boiling it down to the brass tacks is,  when people know why you do what you are doing, it is harder for them to buck the systems.   They may complain, but it won't be because they can't see your point. Some may forgo complaining just to keep you from having to repeat your why, explanation again, and again and again.  

He wasn't a perfect man, at all, but he was a perfect example of seeing people's consciences as worthy of being carried.   I hope that our President can learn this early in his Presidency.  He is a good business man, but a poor conscience carrier.   God, send him help!!!

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