Monday, February 16, 2009

Golden Lady!

Yesterday, amidst little pomp and certainly no circumstance in our Lord's day routine, my little special guest star woman, shone brightly. Everything that she does is award winning to me. I am her mother and I keep trying to get her to give me her stuff. This piece, I fought with her about. I really didn't want her to send that piece in for the judges. I just loved it.
From the first design on the cloth, I was into this piece. Some of the pieces, I can't see the theme, but my Emmy always acts as though she is unmoved by my opinions of her stuff. I was very impressed and proud when she walked across the stage to receive the award for her design. She's applied herself to the process of developing her craft and she received her reward. Children are a heritage from the Lord and the fruit of the womb is His reward! I held a very big trophy in my hands, many times but none as beautiful as the memory of the day that Emmy was put on that table and showed out for the first time. Feisty from the day she was born and feisty to this day. There is absolutely nothing like the joy of seeing her do her thing!.
I was shocked, when we walked into this intricately ornate building and saw the stage and the stained glass and the many many people who participated, to make this day special and memorable for the award winners. It was prestigious and Emily gave us absolutely no prep for this. Many young people had entered numerous items into the competition, but Em entered only one. She is among many famous people who have also won this prestigious award. We expect to see this product go a long way with her.

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