My Boring Marriage and other myths of the new millennium
We live in a day where there are so many exciting things to see and to experience. We live in the blinding speed of the internet and the microwave and the other means of transportation and communication that are ours to enjoy and to utilize. The speed of the development of communication and relationships remains constant: somewhat slow, in comparison to some modes and medium and somewhat fast in comparison to others. Where are we in the scheme of developing healthy friendships and sibling relationships and marriages, often requires more work and more observation than we are willing to put in. We are distracted and cumbered with much serving-{serving our lusts, often, but more-so, serving our modes of communication and transport} As Martha was{in scripture}. We are able to learn, if we take some time to sit at Jesus’ feet, as Mary did, to be discerning about the uses of the means that we have at our disposal.
As a result of the speed that our world turns, we can fall prey to swifter and sundry myths of life that can arrest us and cause us to live below our privilege as Saints of the Most High God. He has given us all things richly to enjoy. We needn’t put our heads in the sand and neglect the beauty and usefulness of the technological revolution, in order to live godly. Looking at the wonderful heritage of faith and history that we have at our disposal {that is afforded us to do, more conveniently, because of the technological age in which we live} we ought to learn to lead in our use of these means for the glory of God.
The Industrial Revolution, was a season of a similar tumult and problem. God has called the Church of the Living God to wrestle with problems of cultural and ethical import and bring captivity captive, if not in the entire world, in our hearts and in our homes.
I do pray, that our meditations of these things will mature us to learn the importance of the time taken for the basics of human communication and relating. That God would use us to usher others to understand the importance of these critical ingredients of mature human relating. in the name of Jesus, Amen.
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