Saturday, May 6, 2017

Aging poses unique challenges for the woman attempting to live out her vows!

My daddy would encourage me to be the behind the scenes "needmeeter". So many things that were needed it is so very hard to complete them all. The chores are one thing and they are never done. In the new age, there are things that confuse a man that may not confuse us. These young people are talking about stuff I dont even want to imagine. Keeping your family anchored between the past and the future, without cracking is a very hard wifely duty. Survey the land and look at the maps. Find the shortest route between home and the job. Figure out the dynamic between he and bossy boots that can help him negotiate those personal challenges. All these things were things that my dad would encourage me to. Now we have Siri to do the mapping out, but the personal challenges are more at home than outside. Keeping him realizing that dinosaurs can still have an impact on this constantly changing world, is a wifely duty that is unspoken. Be sweet and see the conflict. Pray for your husband and learn to be a sensitive go-between, like Abigail. There are many misunderstandings that a sandwich and a smile can cure.

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