Thursday, July 30, 2009

Motherhood is more than leaking out nutrition.

Where does baby milk come from? I don't know. God makes it in our body somewhere. It is the result of some lactational process, a mysterious one. I did this for so long with my children( nearly 2 years for everybody but Ezra), that I really don't know how to do anything else. Is there life after they don't need the milk anymore? Is there a purpose for you when they can't get sustenance from your body? Now, it is about grooming them in and through life. Mother??? they always say, is this right? is that good? is this enough? is that appropriate? That is the baby milk of the toddler and middleschool years. Occasional references for the wellbeing of the soul.
Am I your Alma Mater, my son? Is your soul mothered and reared under the apron of your mother, or are you deceived into the soul of the beast and the world; which could care less for the health and well being of your eternal soul? Beware? The deceptions are numerous. The truth is as simple as baby milk. God is caring and loving and right.

He has already told you, O man, what is good.
What the Lord requires of you.
But to do justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God!

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