Monday, August 4, 2008

We took a walk at the duck pond...

Friday night. A duck was enamoured at my notebook and came right up to greet me. when she saw that it was an inedible wonder of colorful curiosity, she went back to her sunbathing. I was really sorry I didn't carry the camera.
Our once unified family is splintering into the grown people, the teenagers and I really only have 2 who I have to keep both eyes on now. That should be comforting, but it is sad to see them not need me as much.
Sucking the last few drops out of a unified family unit is difficult and the children are only accomodating us, these days out of necessity. They would be making their own ways but limitations won't allow it.
Pizza at the FUEL Grill with a Tennis match on the Telly topped off the evening.
NC has alot to offer, we are starting to see.

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