Thursday, January 29, 2009


That the sum of alternate interior angles are equal to eachother, what is the sum of x+ 3 if the alternate interior angles are...

I don't have time to draw the diagram and finish the word problem, but God is so far superior to our logic and theorem. I plead with Him, Given... that we inherited a world of sex, drugs and rock and roll and the opposite interior angles means that I feel that my soul will never be totally free from the sins of the flesh, How is it possible that a human being be holy in this dark world of sin? Jesus prays for me. and Thank God, He has cleansing and healing for the darkest blot. Confusion belongs to us and if, given that my sins cling to me and I confess and forsake them and if we have the awesome responsibility to take authority over the wildlife, how much more, over the principalities and real sins which so easily beset us. Given, you have not meant for us to live stoicly and distantly from passion and relating. Given that You are a passionate God, how can we love oneanother truly and wholey, without falling into grossest of sins? Given! the God of glory is the ONLY answer to the theorem. NO! I don't think human detachment is the answer. We can love eachother. We can enjoy the love of the brethren and not defile eachother. Thank God that when we do, either by snubbing or by a wrong look or a wrong touch or proudly exalting ourselves over others, we have an advocate with the Father, pleading and making supplication for us to the Father. "5 bleeding wounds he bears, received on Calvary, they pour effectual prayers." Do I believe that they strongly plead for me? Jesus paid it all! No flesh shall glory in His sight, let we who think we stand take heed! GIVEN

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