Monday, January 5, 2009

The Lord's Day past and now noses to the grindstone...

Back to the new year, A week or so of vacation is more than enough respite for the sullen, or should be. I can't say that I don't desire another month to be away on a sunny beach, but the beauty and joy of a North Carolina winter without the constraints of a heavy schedule is a gift, in and of itself.
Our church has one of the most awesome choirs in the country and I hear that music is like that in many of the NC churches. All I know is that when it comes to worship and praising the God of glory, it is easier to remember that He is good with the harps and trumpets all in unison, than without it. I, for one, am thankful that we have found a place to worship God on His day where the Word is not overshadowed by the music and the praise is not squashed to cover for incapacity. God is worthy of more glory than we can give Him with all of our trained faculties at work. That is reflected in our church and God has been good enough to lead us to those types of churches through out life.
The first school day of the new year reminds us that first comes the worship of God and then comes the labor and toil for His glory.
The children all made it to the bus without much of a theatrical disaster today. Unusual for us, since we are not the most organized crew. Now is the time where we are learning and growing to get out of the house with everything where it is supposed to be. (So far that seems to have been the case) By the time we get it together, they will all be grown. I just love the comradery that is formed by the crew having to work together for a common goal. The big family morning ritual is just such a crazy fun place to watch the human dynamic formed.
I am so grateful that my husband is having a season of time to participate in the insanity of the morning rituals. He had seasons of being so busy with work and church schedules that he didn't see the children and now he is the center of alot of the craziness. I hope he survives, but I am grateful for his gifts aiding us in the process.

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