Saturday, March 14, 2009

It's the Ides of March, and Friday the thirteenth and raining, all at the same time.

The absolute lowest part of the year, I suppose, is symbolized by the ides of March this year. There must be a poem about, if the ides is raining there are 6 more months of economic strain or something. The old people always had some way of licking their fingers and seeing which way the wind was blowing. A rainy ides could also symbolize a productive planting season. I don't have any of the old people in my life to ask those questions of.

My father-in-law was so chock full of these truisms. He would say this day or that day is borrowing from somewhere else, as though the seasons have a certain number of rain and cold and sun days and they had to pay one another back and keep calculations as to which month had too many of any one kind of day. I had never thought of it that way. Each season is in debt to each other season a certain number of days. It seemed, my father-in-law was saying: God is the banker and they borrow from him and lend them to us and we have to use them for His glory.
Now, what would he say about a rainy ides and the Friday the thirteenth and an economic recession all in line with eachother. He would say, God is sovereign and He will provide.
I have to believe him.

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