Friday, September 12, 2008

The Home Baked Bread

didn't cut it for the children, yesterday. They wouldn't eat the awkwardly shaped sandwiches. I made them in the shape of muffins which were totally "uncool". Store-bought bread looks cool and I only have one bread pan, so the muffin pans were there for the overflow. They ate all of the bread shaped bread in the first sitting, so all that was left was the muffin pan bread. 3 sandwiches came back, to momma's dismay! Unfed little ones.
How many times did we eat, uncool pumpernickel bread with kids making fun and we thought it was cool to have uncool bread. Not my young ones, peer pressure has prevailed over healthy food. I have to try harder to make my bread conform to the pattern of the world! In order to nutrify my babies! Becoming all things to my children is my job!

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