Saturday, September 13, 2008

It is Saturday!

I am thinking of Kidnapped by Robert Louis Stevenson and how young Balfour was misled by his uncle and nearly lost his life in that house. Truly, people seek to take you into captivity of soul when they see that you have a sensitive conscience. God is the only Father who will show you the ropes of life and give you the spiritual armor that you need to live life for His glory without the weights of other's expectations attached to your soul to weigh you down. Kidnapped is the story of a boy who was free in his soul because of the grace of God and who God used to free others who were in captivity to their sins. There are so many other lessons in that book for the young mind to grapple with. This is the story that empowers the soul to do battle against the spiritual forces of evil that have formed the world that we see right now. Unfortunately, it has dust on it from lack of reading. This tool cannot be used if it isn't read and discussed.
If we live long enough, we all will go through the anguish of soul that makes us susceptible to the likes of Balfour's uncle-type who would see us die or captives for their profit. That is not God. God says what is good and He requires is to do justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with God. Help me, Lord, to be neither a captivator nor a captive to any but my real responsibilities. That is much more than enough for one person.

How do people seek to use their authority to take you into captivity? What does God say about this? How does God provide for our souls after our parents are gone?...
Thank God for servants of God who don't "Lord it over God's people".

Now, how do I get my boys to read this masterpiece?

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