Thursday, September 11, 2008

Rocking my cradle?

What does a cradle rocker do when the cradle is empty? This is the question for me, 2 weeks into my kindergartener's departure. They don't need me as much anymore. They are all out in the world and more than able to rock themselves to sleep. I feel that I missed most of the time to cares and concerns. I was asleep at the wheel all too much of the time. Now, in retrospect I sit with my cradle empty and my mind full of regrets. Thank God for forgiveness and grace. His peace can take me through the deep sloughs of empty nest.
A good message about Hannah's Song by Pastor Chanski took my mind to the godly woman Hannah, who was enabled by God to see past the pain of the departure of her precious little fellow to the purposes of God in answered prayer. I am determined to imitate her faith and look past my ineptitudes to the God who uses my pain and regret for His glory; as he did Hannah.
I am working outside the home and I am learning new skills and encouragements, but there is a wall of pain and a stitch of emotions that are holding me at the present time. I am looking for God's healing balm of the Word to bind up my broken heart as it has so many times before.

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